Tag Archives: peotry

My Muse Attacks

My muse attacks!!    I cannot say no; She overwhelms me.
I loose control, I can’t think or do but what She tells.
Then She leaves me.  Drained, wanting more, needing more, thirsty
for more. She leaves me. A drained husk a parched man
crawling through the desert desperate for a drink.
Reaching, Grasping; hating the sand, the heat, the air, Life!
I curl up and cry. I am left empty,
a Vessel waiting the return of Usefulness; of the the glory of the Muse…


Don’t Be. …Absurd
It’s only… .a word

A musical rhythm
Set in time. …Pentameter
Or Anti-matter; rather.

It’s in your head
You dance, You dance
Round and Round
In bed.

It takes 2ow or One
It takes 4our or more
and lets not forget 3ree.

Don’t be absurd though.
Think it through now.
Is it false or Is it true?
Silly, you don’t even know:

What is it? it is                        is
Absurd? Absurd.

random poem

Breath, Mind and Tongue

Words undone

Unbound spewed forth & rebound
To ears

Give forth of breath life

Give forth of love and strife

All wrapped up pretty with a bow

Given as a gift to

random strangers
your dearest foe
your greatest love

A gift the animals envy

Your breath and tongue.

2of2 unfinished.

One day I’ll meet a prickly one like me
We’ll poke each-other relentlessly
With quills and barbs
We’ll aim for hearts
But in the end we’ll be stuck

Sometimes it’s hard for Pricklys to hug.

1of2 unfinished.

I am a Porcupine
a Prickly pear
Did not mean to be
But its for my safety

First I built walls
But I couldn’t get out
I lived in a glass house
It broke
I ran to the Hills
I just got lost

So better to be Prickly                            Than remote
People still get Close
Then they don’t

Being a porcupine is easier
I can get close
W/out touch or contacting
I can insulate w/out Disappearing

staring into space

Unfocused and Unbound, staring, not seeing. There is a distant space that grabs at my attention, pulling my sight towards it; through my Eyes my Soul flows. Out, flying Out to meet my vision’s gravity, pulled out of Here and Now drawn to invisibility. My Eyes are magnetisized. Seeing, traveling so far out that I return through the back of my head. Always it is quicker to retrace the light years than pass through my mind. Inside is more distance than all of Outerspace, Innerspace is far more of a vacuum. So much empty area; floating, gently colliding and rebounding. A dark maze with but one end, down the rabbit hole to the fields by the river Illeism to the mountains against the stars, the land of frost and forest to the tip top where the still lake is a silent mirror. Up here there is no wind, up here the only sound is the sound you bring with you. Shout and the lake shatters the stars and you fall up to meet the broken pieces of the sky to fall back again to a plain surrounded by cliff walls. You awake to where you were all along, the Here and Now, only you have been absent, on a journey light years away to the edge of the universe where it bends back on itself and you ended up lost in your own mind and only just now retraced your steps.